Safe Trucking Tips

By Pyle Law, March 29 2023 6:47 pm

Safe Trucking Tips

By Pyle Law, March 29 2023 6:47 pm
Safe Trucking Tips

Large trucks carry a host of issues when it comes to staying safe on the road. In 2020, Kansas came in eighth overall with 11.9% of fatal crashes involving large trucks. Here are some Safe Trucking Tips.

Pyle Law is here to summarize the regulations for semi-truck drivers and how they can stay safe on the road.


Regulations for Commercial Truck Drivers

In order to reduce truck accidents, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) limits the number of hours in which a commercial motor vehicle driver can drive. These rules are known as the hours of service (HOS) regulations. 

Following each shift, the FMCSA requires all commercial truck drivers to fill out logbooks. By tracking their hours, drivers are documenting how their time is allocated, whether they are off-duty, on-duty but not driving, driving, and when they are sleeping (referred to as being in the “sleeper berth”).  “On-duty” time would include any secondary tasks which would count against the driver’s time to rest.

Truck drivers carrying cargo are only allowed to drive a maximum of 11 hours after being off duty for 10 hours. If adverse weather conditions are encountered, a driver is allowed to increase their driving time by an additional two hours.

Safe Trucking Tips

The FMCSA is striving to keep drivers well-rested while behind the wheel. Although accidents are less likely to happen with these regulations in place, other precautions must be taken to further protect other road users. 


Safety Tips for Truck Drivers

Drivers often encounter hazardous conditions which greatly impact their ability to stay safe on the road.

Unfortunately, truck drivers are on strict time limits in making deliveries. Even seasoned drivers may fail to take necessary precautions simply because they are in a rush. 


Some safety tips for truck drivers:

  1. Check Your Blind Spots: trucks have large blind spots, which means that they may merge without seeing a vehicle already traveling in that lane.
  2. Be Aware of Long Stopping Distances: large trucks driving at highways speeds need the equivalent of two football fields to come to a complete stop.
  3. Make Wide Turns Carefully: semi-trucks are at greater risk of rollovers if they take curves or tight turns too fast.
  4. Always Buckle Up: seat belts save lives and allow a driver to have better control in the event of a crash.
  5. Drive at a Safe Speed: observing the speed limit reduces the risk of being in an accident.
  6. Stay Focused and Avoid Distracted Driving: never drive fatigued or let anything distract you from keeping your eyes on the road.
  7. Always Use Your Signal: Using your signals allow other drivers to know which way the truck is going to move next.
  8. Maintain Your Vehicle: keep up on regular maintenance of your truck and be sure that cargo is loaded securely. 
  9. Plan Your Trip in Advance: research your trip before traveling to account for poor road conditions and detours, which may add to driving time; be aware that navigational systems do not always account for height limitations for commercial vehicles.
  10. Practice Work Zone Safety: work zones present safety hazards, so it is important to slow down, observe all signs, and look out for flag crews when entering a construction zone.
  11. Faulty brakes are a leading cause of truck accidents. It is important to routinely have your truck’s brakes checked to reduce the chances of a collision.


A Kansas Truck Accident Lawyer Fighting for You

Every commercial truck driver has a duty to protect other road users. Even the safest truck drivers can make errors in judgments, causing accidents. If you have fallen victim to a truck accident, contact Pyle Law today to request your free consultation.  

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