Do Pedestrian Overpass Bridges Prevent Injuries?

By Pyle Law, February 20 2023 7:42 pm

Do Pedestrian Overpass Bridges Prevent Injuries?

By Pyle Law, February 20 2023 7:42 pm
Do Pedestrian Overpass Bridges Prevent Injuries?

In highly trafficked areas where there are no designated crosswalks, dangerous accidents can happen when motorists hit pedestrians attempting to cross a street where it is unsafe to do so. In order to prevent these accidents from happening, some cities have opted to build pedestrian overpass bridges across certain roadways with the intention of helping to reduce serious injuries and dangerous collisions. Although the intention of pedestrian bridges is well-meaning, the question has come up – are there new risks of pedestrian accidents related to these structures that were built to provide safe crossing for those traveling on foot?


Dangerous Pedestrian Bridge Accidents 

Pedestrian overpass bridges are put in place to help prevent dangerous accidents and injuries for those who opt to walk versus drive. That said, there have been incidents where pedestrian bridges have actually done more harm than good. For example, in 2018, there was an incident where a pedestrian bridge collapsed at Florida International University due to poor construction. This accident resulted in several deaths and multiple serious injuries. While certain parties, such as the contractors who constructed the bridge and the engineers who reviewed the design and build, can be held liable for this oversight, pedestrians were still at great risk when using this bridge. 

Pedestrian Overpass Bridges


Pedestrian Bridge Accessibility and Safety

For many people, a pedestrian bridge does offer a safer way to cross a busy road that otherwise would be dangerous to maneuver on foot. That said, pedestrian bridges are not easily accessible to everyone. Many of these elevated bridges have steep inclines or stairways that make it challenging for those people who are in wheelchairs or other mobility aids to access them. On days when the weather in Kansas is icy or wet, the conditions can be especially difficult for those who are using this type of assisting equipment.  Additionally, walking across a pedestrian bridge at night when visibility is greatly diminished is another concern. Poor lighting can cause pedestrians to not notice hazards and trip and fall. 

Some common injuries to pedestrians while walking include:

  • Broken bones
  • Concussions
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Contusions
  • Other traumatic injuries

These accidents might require medical attention and lead to medical bills and other losses. If someone else was responsible for the hazard and accident, they should also have to cover all of your physical and financial losses from your injuries. Learn about your rights after an accident.  


Talk to a Knowledgeable Kansas Personal Injury Attorney

A pedestrian injury can leave you unable to work or enjoy life as you usually would, leading to financial stress and depression. If you have been injured while walking, it is advisable to speak with an experienced attorney as soon as you can. Don’t delay; contact a Kansas personal injury lawyer at Pyle Law right away to schedule a consultation and learn about your options and next steps. 

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