Injuries from Toxic Exposure at Work

By Pyle Law, October 13 2020 8:36 pm

Injuries from Toxic Exposure at Work

By Pyle Law, October 13 2020 8:36 pm
Injuries from Toxic Exposure at Work

Toxic exposure on the job can be exceedingly dangerous and is more common than many people recognize. Certain jobs, such as factory and construction work, put employees at increased risk of the dangerous injuries associated with toxic exposure.  If you suffer any of these injuries the first thing you should do is contact an experienced lawyer.

Surprisingly, you don’t have to work in a position that is obviously linked to toxic chemicals to be injured by a toxic exposure on the job. In fact, these injuries are more common than you might realize, and they are extremely dangerous. If you have been injured on the job by exposure to a toxic substance, reach out to an experienced Kansas workers’ compensation attorney today.

Vulnerable Occupations

While not even office workers are immune to the dangers of toxic exposure – especially if their workspaces are not properly ventilated – there are certain occupations that are most vulnerable to injuries borne of toxic exposure, including:

  • Factory workers
  • Construction workers
  • Agricultural workers
  • Healthcare workers
  • Welders
  • Workers in locations in which toxic chemicals are regularly used, manufactured, or mined

Vulnerable Conditions

Workers are most vulnerable to toxic exposure when they are not supplied with adequate safety equipment and personal protective gear, including examples such as the following (which can vary depending upon the job and the type of toxin):

  • Exhaust fans and effective ventilation systems
  • Eyewash stations
  • Hazmat suits
  • Protective eyewear, such as goggles 
  • Protective gloves

Your employer is responsible for providing you with the appropriate personal protective gear necessary for your job and for outfitting your workspace with the appropriate safety equipment.

Most Common Injuries

Exposure to toxic substances can lead to serious injuries over time or can cause immediate damage (depending upon the toxin and the type of exposure), but common injuries associated with toxic exposure on the job include:

  • Chemical burns
  • Lung damage and lung cancers
  • Serious eye injuries
  • Poisoning from heavy metals
  • Nerve damage
  • Asbestosis
  • Mesothelioma
  • Brain damage

Any one of these injuries can be fatal.

Common Symptoms

Sometimes, workers know they’ve been exposed to dangerous toxins, but sometimes, they do not. Some common symptoms associated with dangerous exposure include

  • Feeling dizzy
  • Developing headaches
  • Having itchy, burning eyes
  • Having difficulty swallowing
  • Feeling nauseated, vomiting, and/or having diarrhea
  • Developing fever and/or chills
  • Experiencing a rapid heart rate

If you work around chemicals or other toxins and experience any of these symptoms – or any combination of these symptoms – seek the immediate medical attention you need.  

An Experienced Kansas Workers’ Compensation Attorney Can Help

Injuries caused by toxic exposures are some of the most serious and painful injuries you can suffer. If exposure to a toxic substance on the job leaves you or someone you loved injured, the workers’ compensation attorney at Pyle Law in Kansas has extensive experience helping to deftly guide cases like yours toward optimal resolutions. The consequences of an injury caused by toxic exposure are far too great not to obtain the professional legal counsel you need, so please don’t hesitate to contact us online or call us at 620-374-9299 for more information today.

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