Why Motorcyclists Have License Plates That Flip?

By Pyle Law, December 11 2023 7:04 pm

Why Motorcyclists Have License Plates That Flip?

By Pyle Law, December 11 2023 7:04 pm
Why Motorcyclists Have License Plates That Flip?

In the best case scenario, a motorcyclist may want to have a license plate that flips if he or she will be participating in a motorcycle show and the person wants privacy to protect their identity. However, the more likely scenario is often to conceal a license plate to avoid identification when speeding, running a red light, or engaging in another traffic violation. Without a visible license plate, a motorcyclist can evade being recorded by a camera or cited by the police.

A license plate that is not visible, such as one that is flipped, is considered an illegal practice in Kansas and in all 50 states. If you have been in a motorcycle accident, being charged with an infraction for flipping a license plate should be the least of your worries. In the event of an accident, an experienced motorcycle accident attorney can help file a claim, whether your claim involves a flipped license plate or not. 


Why Do Motorcycles Have A License Plate?


A motorcycle is issued a one-of-a-kind, unique number that can aid in tracking down a vehicle that is stolen or involved in suspicious activity. 


Road safety

A motorcycle with a visible license plate is more likely to follow traffic laws, and if a driver participates in behavior that can endanger others or themselves, traffic laws can more easily be enforced with the presence of a license plate number. 


What Is The Purpose of Flipping A License Plate?

A motorcyclist may flip their license plate for various reasons. He or she may:

  • Seek privacy – for example, a rider may desire anonymity from identity theft that occurs when a person claims access to personal identifying information such as license plate numbers. 
  • Seek enjoyment – a person can take pleasure in the fun a flipped plate offers as it torques while bike-riding.
  • Want to avoid cameras – a motorcyclist cannot be tracked and will avoid fines, jail time, or punishment for a flipped plate.

While a driver may feel that flipping a plate frees them of scrutiny from law enforcement or another authority, they can eventually be fined, charged with criminal activity, or suffer the loss of their license. 


How Can You Stay Safe On The Road?

To promote motorcyclist safety while driving, you can:

  • Inspect your license plate regularly: Regular inspection ensures that your license plate remains secure on the mount and is not damaged due to the weather or friction from brushing against other parts of the vehicle. 
  • Invest in durable materials: We recommend investing in non-corrosive materials such as aluminum and carbon fiber. These materials can help a license plate stand the test of time, no matter the weather conditions. 


Work With An Experienced Kansas Accident Attorney Today

Flipping a license plate might seem like a smart preventive measure that helps create a more enjoyable riding environment. This practice, however, is illegal and also creates a more dangerous riding environment that can increase the risk of traffic violations and accidents. If you or a loved one has been involved in a motorcycle accident – whether a flipped license plate is involved or not – working with an experienced accident attorney can help recover maximum damages. Set up a consultation today. 


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