Injuries to Pedestrians Hit by Cars

By Pyle Law, February 06 2023 5:45 pm

Injuries to Pedestrians Hit by Cars

By Pyle Law, February 06 2023 5:45 pm
Injuries to Pedestrians Hit by Cars

Pedestrians who are out for a walk may make the assumption that they are safe from danger if they follow the proper rules of the road. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Negligent and dangerous drivers often hit pedestrians who are attempting to cross the street or are in the middle of a crosswalk. Even when pedestrians follow the law, they are at risk of injury from a negligent driver. 

Injuries to pedestrians can be life-changing and incredibly costly, and the driver who hit you should be responsible. You need to seek compensation from the driver’s auto insurance, which can be a challenging process. 

You should stay focused on your injuries and allow a pedestrian accident attorney to handle the legal process for you. 


Common Injuries of Pedestrians who are Hit by Vehicles

There are many different types of injuries experienced by those who have been hit by a car while walking. These can range from minor scrapes to serious or even critical injuries. An unprotected pedestrian is at great risk when they are hit by a moving vehicle. Some of the more common injuries include: 

Any of these injuries can occur when a pedestrian is hit by a negligent driver in a car. One of the greatest challenges of a pedestrian accident is that they have no protection when hit by a car. This makes pedestrian injuries especially dangerous. 


What to Do if You’ve Been Hit by a Car While Walking

A pedestrian accident often comes as a complete surprise. One minute you are walking down the street, and the next minute, you are on the ground after being hit by a car. You might be in the hospital, undergoing surgery, or have to take time off work. Everything happens in such a whirlwind after an injury that you likely don’t know what to do next.

Injuries to Pedestrians Hit by Cars

If you have been injured by a car while you were walking, there are a few important steps to take.

  • Seek medical attention
  • Follow your treatment plan and all doctor’s orders
  • Stay off social media
  • Set up a free consultation and case evaluation with an experienced personal injury attorney 
  • Avoid speaking with insurance adjusters before you have legal representation
  • Never agree to give an insurance company a recorded statement
  • Never accept a settlement offer without having a lawyer review it
  • Keep a journal of your memories of the accident, pain levels, restrictions, and other effects your injuries have on your life.


Reach out to a Kansas Personal Injury Lawyer Right Away

As a pedestrian, being hit by a car can result in serious or life-threatening injuries. If you or someone you know has been injured by a car while walking, it is advisable to learn more about your legal options. Contact our experienced personal injury lawyer at Pyle Law to schedule a time to discuss the details of your situation and determine the next steps. 

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