How Speeding Drivers Cause Car Accidents

By Pyle Law, March 24 2020 10:00 am

How Speeding Drivers Cause Car Accidents

By Pyle Law, March 24 2020 10:00 am
How Speeding Drivers Cause Car Accidents

Although it is against the law, many people deliberately drive above the posted speed limit. It’s easy for many people to understand – as modern life gets busy, people rush between destinations and believe they can handle the additional speed.

Many times, people speed without anything happening. Sometimes, they get tickets for their behavior. All too often, the results of speeding are much worse. Going above the posted limit can cause accidents, property damage, injuries, and even death.

The good news is that these accidents don’t have to continue. With greater awareness of the dangers of speeding, drivers can slow down and make the road safer for everyone.

Why Speeding is Dangerous

Although traffic tickets are meant to dissuade people from speeding, they aren’t the only reason that speeding drivers should slow down. Speeding makes car accidents more likely and more dangerous when they happen. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that driving above the posted speed limit:

  1. Makes it more likely that a driver will lose control of the vehicle
  2. Causes it to be more difficult to stop in time after seeing danger in the road
  3. Reduces the efficacy of the safety equipment, making crashes more severe

For example, if someone is going exactly the speed limit, he or she should be able to follow the curvature of the road without issue. However, speeding can make the driver lose control as the car comes around a corner. Then, because the safety equipment isn’t as effective, the driver is more likely to be seriously injured.

How Speeding Hurts People

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that each year 32,000 people die and 2 million people are injured in car accidents in the country. This fatality rate is almost double that of comparable countries. One in three of these fatal car crashes is the result of speeding. While the number of deaths from speeding is on a steady decline, too many people continue to get hurt.

Even when people survive these accidents, they are not without consequences. Speeding drivers, their passengers, and those who share the roads are at risk of losing their vehicles or getting seriously injured. These injuries and deaths not only take an emotional toll on people, but there are serious economic consequences as well. A Kansas car accident attorney can help.

Economic Impacts of Speeding

In total, the U.S. Department of Transportation estimates that accidents caused by speeding cost society $40.4 billion per year in medical costs and lost wages. In Kansas alone, people lose $4 million per year in medical costs and $445 million annually in lost work time from all car accidents. It is essential to learn about ways to mitigate your losses after a speed-related crash.

If You’re Hurt by a Speeding Driver, Contact a Kansas Car Accident Attorney

When you’re the victim of a speeding driver, you can face a long and costly road to recovery. You may miss work, have emotional damage, be permanently disabled, and have mounting medical debt. You don’t have to deal with these situations alone. A Kansas car accident attorney can help you recoup these costs from the insurance company and/or the other driver. If you could use this kind of help, contact us today or call (888) 381-1155.

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