When is it Time to Call a Auto Accident Lawyer?

By Pyle Law, August 25 2020 7:34 pm

When is it Time to Call a Auto Accident Lawyer?

By Pyle Law, August 25 2020 7:34 pm
When is it Time to Call a Auto Accident Lawyer?

If you’ve been injured by another motorist’s negligence, consulting with an experienced car accident attorney sooner – rather than later – is the best way to protect your rights and your car accident claim.

Car accidents are common on our busy roads and highways, and they’re also extremely dangerous. Driver negligence is often at the core of these accidents, and this negligence can take many forms. If you suffered injuries as a result of another driver’s negligence, the time to call a Kansas car accident attorney is now.

Driver Negligence in Kansas                                     

Every motorist is responsible for driving safely, and drivers who neglect this responsibility are often the cause of serious car accidents. Consider the following potentially deadly forms of driver negligence:

  • Distraction (smartphones are especially dangerous distractions that many drivers refuse to ignore)
  • Driving under the influence
  • Exhaustion
  • Excessive speed (including speed that is excessive in relation to the condition of the road)
  • Aggression

You’ve Been Injured – Now What?

If a negligent motorist leaves you injured, there are several critical steps that you should take as quickly as possible:

  • Obtain the medical attention you need
  • Seek the professional legal counsel of an experienced Kansas car accident attorney
  • Tend to your health while your dedicated attorney effectively and efficiently tends to your claim

Do I Really Need a Car Accident Attorney?

If you’re wondering whether you need an attorney after being injured in a car accident, the short answer is that yes, you do, for all of the following reasons:

  • You’ve been injured, and this fact leaves you vulnerable to all the involved insurance company’s tactics, which are intended to minimize the settlement you receive. You aren’t required to provide the insurance company with a statement, and you shouldn’t. Your knowledgeable attorney will skillfully handle the insurance company on your behalf.
  • You are unlikely to have an accurate understanding of the full range of your damages, and some serious injuries can lead to lingering (or even chronic) health concerns that will continue to require care. Your attorney is adept at effectively and convincingly calculating the damages associated with injuries like yours.
  • Achieving your fullest recovery is dependent upon obtaining the compensation to which you are entitled, and without an experienced car accident attorney in your corner, you’re far less likely to accomplish this important goal.
  • Reputable car accident attorneys work on a contingency basis, and if you aren’t awarded a settlement or don’t receive court-awarded damages, you won’t owe your attorney anything. In other words, you can afford an experienced car accident attorney.

Now Is the Time to Hire an Experienced Kansas Car Accident Attorney

If you’ve been injured in a car accident that was caused by another motorist’s negligence, the dedicated and compassionate car accident attorney at Pyle Law in Kansas is committed to skillfully advocating on behalf of your rights, and for the compensation you need to regain your health and well-being. Your case is important, so please don’t hesitate to contact or call us at 620-374-9299 for more information today.

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