How to Get Workers Comp Kansas Benefits

By Pyle Law, December 09 2021 9:00 pm

How to Get Workers Comp Kansas Benefits

By Pyle Law, December 09 2021 9:00 pm
How to Get Workers Comp Kansas Benefits

One of the experienced workers comp Kansas attorneys from Pyle Law can answer any questions you might have about your case. Learn more about how workers’ compensation can cover your medical bills and how a workers’ comp attorney can help. 

Being injured on the job is the last thing you want, and it could lead to long-term disability. Knowing the impact of your injury on your ability to support your family is essential to collect full compensation. This is something that your workers’ comp attorney can help ensure.

Whether you need help filing your initial application or your application has been denied on the first attempt. Your local workers’ comp attorney can help. 

Workers Comp Kansas is a “No-Fault” System 

Workers’ comp is a “no-fault” system, which means that you are entitled to collect your benefits. Whether you or your employer was at fault for the injury or condition that caused your workplace injury or illness. This is a trade-off in that you automatically can collect damages for your medical bills and lost wages. But your employer cannot be sued for these same damages or others. In some situations, if a third party was responsible, then you can file a lawsuit against them to collect additional damages.

The Workers Compensation Kansas Insurance Companies Do Not Work for You 

It is not your employer who pays your workers’ compensation benefits, but the workers’ comp insurance company. Insurance companies do not operate for you, but for profit. They do not make a profit by paying out on as many claims as possible as fully as they can. In fact, it is just the opposite, and insurance companies deny whichever claims they can and pay as little as possible.

If you have been injured on the job, you are entitled to compensation, regardless of who caused the accident. Kansas employees who are injured on the job are entitled to timely, impartial, and fair claim resolution. If your claim was not processed in a timely, fair, or impartial manner, you could be entitled to damages.

Knowing whether or not your claim was fairly reviewed or whether your application might have done better with the assistance of a workers’ compensation attorney. Sometimes your claim could be initially denied to encourage you to negotiate and accept a lower settlement. In other situations, claims can sometimes be wrongfully denied. Whatever the reason, your workers’ comp lawyer can help you achieve the best possible outcome for your injury.

Connect with a McPherson Workers’ Comp Attorney Now

To connect with one of the experienced attorneys from Pyle Law to explore options in your case, schedule a consultation today.

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