Benefits for Repetitive Stress Injuries from Your Job

By Pyle Law, April 20 2021 10:37 am

Benefits for Repetitive Stress Injuries from Your Job

By Pyle Law, April 20 2021 10:37 am
Benefits for Repetitive Stress Injuries from Your Job

Repetitive stress injuries are common among Kansas workers, but some of them never get reasonable and just benefits for their injuries. If you think you have an RSI, get medical attention, and then discuss your rights with a Kansas workers’ compensation attorney.

Did you know that repetitive stress injuries (RSI) are some of the leading causes of employee absenteeism among American workers? The Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that repetitive motions – like handling tools or typing – are a common cause of musculoskeletal disorders that can lead to medical treatment and missed work. 

These injuries occur when one part of your body bears excessive stress from repeated motion. The repetitive motion causes pain and inflames the affected body part, leading to possible tissue and muscle damage. The most commonly affected body parts are hands, elbows, wrists, shoulders, backs, knees, and forearms.

The good news is that workers’ compensation should provide benefits to cover your losses. If you have any concerns, learn how a skilled Kansas workers’ compensation attorney could assist you.

RSIs: What Are They?

It’s critical for many workers to understand RSIs and how they occur. Simply put, these are injuries resulting from repetitive motion. Some of the most common forms of RSI are:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome, which affects the fingers, hands, and wrists;
  • Chronic lower back pain resulting from excessive bending and lifting and lasts for over three months;
  • Trigger finger, a condition that pains and stiffens fingers;
  • Rotator cuff syndrome where overworked shoulder muscles or ligaments become painful and swell; 
  • Bursitis, a condition that results from inflamed joint sacs;
  • Tendonitis, a condition affecting any joint with chronic pain.

When You Suspect a Work-Related RSI

When should you suspect you are suffering from an RSI? You should listen to your body and note any possible symptoms. If you notice any pain or other signs of injury related to your daily work, inform your employer immediately. 

You then need to talk to your doctor to examine you and recommend the proper course of treatment. Some people need special braces and physical therapy, while others need surgery for RSIs. Doctors might also recommend you limit your workload and time, take regular breaks, or make ergonomic adjustments to your workplace or work tools.

Common Challenges Facing Repetitive Stress Injury Cases

Yes, you should get workers’ compensation benefits for job-related RSIs. However, it can be more challenging to get benefits for this type of injury, so you want to have help from an experienced Kansas workers’ compensation attorney. 

Below are some ways insurance companies try to deny or reduce these claims:

  • They claim that since no observable accident occurred, you cannot prove the injury stemmed from your job.
  • They may also allege that the injury happened due to other out-of-work activities, such as sports or exercise.
  • They may downplay your symptoms, especially when they are not constantly chronic, and their severity keeps fluctuating. 
  • They may claim that your job duties only worsened your existing symptoms.

Contact a Kansas Workers’ Compensation Attorney for Help

An RSI-related benefits claim has unique challenges that often require you to enlist an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to succeed. Fortunately, you can contact Pyle Law online or call 620-374-9299 for help anywhere in Kansas.

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