Will You Need Future Medical Treatment for Your Personal Injury?

By Pyle Law, September 21 2021 9:00 am

Will You Need Future Medical Treatment for Your Personal Injury?

By Pyle Law, September 21 2021 9:00 am
Will You Need Future Medical Treatment for Your Personal Injury?

Some victims of serious accidents may need to undergo certain medical treatment, such as surgery, in the future. When a health care provider deems that this procedure is necessary, you could pursue future medical expenses as part of your personal injury claim or lawsuit.

Many people who suffer injuries in car accidents, slip and falls, and other serious accidents suffer very serious injuries that require medical treatment. In some cases, a healthcare provider may recommend some type of medical procedure in the future in order for the accident victim to fully recover from his or her injuries. For example, an orthopedic doctor might recommend a future neck or back surgery as an option for relieving pain and other symptoms.

The determination as to whether you will need a future medical procedure or other treatment is up to your healthcare provider. If you are able to prove that future medical treatment is necessary, you might be eligible to recover compensation for that anticipated treatment as part of your personal injury case. The knowledgeable and experienced Kansas personal injury lawyer at Pyle Law will be able to review your medical records and pursue the necessary compensation that you need for future medical treatment and procedures.

Medical Causation

As the plaintiff in a personal injury lawsuit, you have the legal burden of proof. Therefore, you must establish not only that you suffered an injury in your accident but that the accident was a cause of your injury. In the case of future medical treatment, a healthcare provider in your case must be able to demonstrate, to a reasonable degree in medical certainty, that you will likely need the future treatment and that the treatment is necessary because of injuries you suffered in the accident.

Future medical treatment can include an operation, surgery, pain management, as well as the necessary follow-up treatment, such as physical therapy and other types of rehabilitation. An experienced Kansas personal injury attorney will be able to evaluate your case and determine what, if any, compensation you might be eligible to recover for future medical care.

The extent of Potential Future Expenses

Medical care, in general, can be extremely expensive, and bills can pile up very quickly. If a healthcare provider in your case has determined that you need additional treatment in the future, that healthcare provider can also make an estimate as to the anticipated cost of that future treatment, based upon his or her experience. The treatment estimate can then become a part of the damages you claim in your personal injury case.

The cost of future medical treatment typically includes the cost of the anticipated procedure, as well as the costs of all follow-up care. For example, after serious surgery, the accident victim might need to spend a significant amount of time in rehabilitation or physical therapy. The accident victim might also require an extended hospital stay. All of these potential damages can become part of your personal injury claim or lawsuit, depending upon the circumstances.

Speak to a Knowledgeable Kansas Personal Injury Lawyer Today

The skilled legal team at Pyle Law can pursue your right to recover the costs of anticipated medical expenses in your personal injury case. For a free legal consultation and case evaluation with an experienced Kansas personal injury attorney, please call us today at 620-374-9299 or contact us online for more information about how we can assist.

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